In recent days I have repaired a McGurk remedy maker for its owner, Alastair Bourne, and while chatting I found that he has lead a very interesting life. I suggested that we conduct a brief interview, to which he was gracious enough to say ‘Yes.’ Here it is. ► ► Let’s start at the beginning. […]
The Radionic Principle: Mind over Matter
By Tony Scofield, editor of the Radionic Journal of The Radionic Association. Published in 2007. Reproduced with permission. Summary Explanations for how radionics works involve both a physical, scientific approach and more esoteric approaches involving the mind and consciousness. In this paper I review some of the latest explanations proposed in the light of advances […]
Interview With a Radionics Sage
Recently I’ve had the opportunity of interviewing someone who has been practicing radionics for perhaps 45 years. John Nauss is a healer, happy to share his wisdom, living in Canada. I was very impressed and enlightened by this interview. John gives us a glimpse into his wisdom, from influences during his younger days to the […]
Just What is Radionics Anyway?
Radionics, for those of you who are new here, may be described in brief as “an instrument aided healing modality”. In recent decades, due mainly to the pressure from the American Medical Association and their reductive materialist beatings, it has (re)gained traction as a manifestation tool. In either practice – healing or manifesting – the […]