On the Design of a Radionics Instrument

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On the Design of a Radionics Instrument

Radionics is a mysterious technology, or art, the understanding of which eludes most of us, especially the beginner. Someone just discovering radionics – assuming that they don’t immediately mentally discredit it, meaning that it will never work for them – probably believes that the secret is hidden in obscure wiring, or some other esoteric electronic principle.

Looking at my own experience from years past when I first discovered radionics, I wanted a radionic design that would instantly fix all my problems, would be foolproof, etc. I was the same as everyone else, except that I had the disadvantage of being an electronics technician. This was a serious disadvantage which I needed to overcome. I was looking at (and trying to steal) everyone’s designs, wanting to find an effective solution for free. I tried various ideas, possibly six different, distinct designs, some of which I made up myself.

Along the way I learned a lot about radionics, theories about what makes it function, the practicals of what makes it work, and so on. It wasn’t a “see-a-schematic” scenario, and suddenly everything made sense. Even studying the schematics of proper, working instruments wouldn’t tell me how it works. It was an intuitive journey. It was a learning experience over many years of experimentation. Most of us want to short-circuit that process, and leap straight into the productive stuff.

I don’t think that happens. We have to observe and learn, more or less to do our apprenticeship to become a craftsman. I’m not claiming to be a tradesman or a journeyman in radionics, but there are ideas which are still in process of discovery and evaluation — perhaps it will always be that way.

There are some folk who think that radionics works on the principle of radio transmission. This is partly how radionics got its name (“radio-onics”). It is an old idea, going back to the crystal sets of the 1920s. However we have known for many years now that radio signals fade over distance and radio wave propagation is blocked by hills and mountains, whereas with a radionics broadcast (a similar misnomer) distance and physical environment are irrelevant. Such devices are based on the work of Hieronymus, and are operated by tuning variable capacitors.

Others believe that it is in a string of potentiometers wired in series, or even in parallel, by which the radionics principle may be made manifest. Most of these devices don’t even incorporate an amplifier, especially the older (what I might call “Classic”) models, such as those built by Delawarr, the early models by Rae, and those by Drown and Copen. Therefore it is clear, from the variety of these wiring layouts by these various designers, that radionics does not function by variable resistors either.

So there is a variety of ideas about what makes radionics work. The variable capacitors or resistors are just a mental aid to tuning the device, to keep the cognitive mind entertained while the background consciousness goes about its business of connection and healing. The diversity in design of radionics circuitry suggests to me that there is something more going on, something working in the “background”, so to speak, which is the driving and connecting “force” underlying the art.

Basically, as far as I’m concerned, it all comes down to consciousness. Not a mental process, a stream of thoughts, but awareness itself which incorporates the creative intention which is “prior” to the thinking process. The instrument is tied in with that, or tuned in, or is aligned through the mental process. And it is almost as if “the gods” are humouring us, as we play like little children with our tea sets. They benevolently slip in a little success for us here and there, enough that we will stay interested.

I wouldn’t call radionics a “crutch” or “training wheels”, or a tool to be discarded once we have become proficient. A tradesman doesn’t discard his tools once he becomes skilled at his craft, rather he will probably purchase higher quality tools as he can afford them.

There is also the factor of sacred geometry, resonant patterns which have correlation with the invisible world with which we interact. In fact, apart from consciousness, I believe that what we are playing with – i.e. the radionic instrument – depends very much on patterns which are archetypal images, formational patterns which underlie nature.

So you may find a schematic which works for you, but it could be improved, according to you, by paying attention to geometry and pattern. However this implied intuition and meditation. Ideas having their basis in logic and reason usually don’t work the best with radionics. This is cleverness as opposed to intelligence. The intuited, silent “knowings” are much more grounded and centred in correct understanding.

Such intuited ideas have their foundation in the faraway, daydream-like quality into which the mind may slip when observing a subject, when the confused state of trying to understand something rationally fades away and you are left with the quality of simply “being with” (which may, with time, be absorbed into just “being” and further on into non-being). Think of this problem as being similar to a Zen koan – a confused question which has no answer, while the true answer is silence. “The answer is in the silence,” as my spiritual master would say. In my understanding it is this quality which will give you the answers as to how radionics actually works.

I hope this has given you pause for thought, and hopefully allowed you the opportunity to observe radionics through a different lens. If you’ve enjoyed this, I encourage you to join in the conversation and leave a comment below.


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3 thoughts on “On the Design of a Radionics Instrument

  1. I like your article Geoffrey. It flows well and addresses some crucial points about radionics. I like the bit where it’s not the mind or fantasy, my words, but a process that through the mind lets in consciousness. My experience tells me the various isms in healing, and there are lots now, create focus points for the process of healing. It is the intellect that wants to know but we are more than just the intellect. Often I am happy to be engaged in the process and as I do, I become more proficient in knowing how it operates or “ works”. The answer is in silence, which allows us to literally interact with the healing process, any healing process and especially, as you point out, with Radionics.

    1. Thanks for the kind words John. Yes, the mind is a receiver of consciousness, not the consciousness itself. Thanks too, for the observations about the healing process. Well stated.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts about radionics. I agree, it is more than frequencies. It is communicating with fields of consciousness. Radionics seems to be connecting, forming and manifesting fields of information.

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