Category: Radiesthesia

Consciousness Energy Healing History Radiesthesia Radionics Spirituality

Radionics’ Intrepid Explorer

In this interview I introduce Christopher Freeland, who practices radiesthesia and a host of healing arts. He tells of how he discovered and has explored radionics and radiesthesia, which he uses to benefit others, from his adventurous travels around the globe. I hope that you enjoy this interview. ~ ► Chris (I hope that I […]

Radiesthesia Radionics

The Reciprocal Circles Board

It seems likely that radionics, as it is normally accepted, is really radionics with circuits. However it is probable that radionics, as such, is something else entirely. Many people, especially the French, have created radionics without any electronic components at all. And the French are experts at it. From this perspective it is obvious that […]

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