Two (or Three) Views of Reality and Their Influence on Radionics

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Two (or Three) Views of Reality and Their Influence on Radionics

It’s good to revisit books. There may often be plenty of opportunities to exclaim, “That wasn’t in the book last time I read it!” – but, well, obviously it was, and the author would say that it was his (or her) intention to say it at the time, but we simply overlooked it because we weren’t on the same wavelength, so to speak. We weren’t ready to hear it. This time, I think, I am ready to get it.

Anyway, recently I reread a book by David Tansley. You may know David Tansley, either factually or by inference, as being the one to reinterpret radionics through the lens of the esoteric. He was pretty much the first to say that radionics isn’t actually reading the physical condition of a person or thing, but is working on the subtle level, at the level of chakras and those difficult to understand things written about by Alice Bailey. Prior to that, the practitioner was trying to force radionics into the same realm as the conventional doctor or scientist, where it obviously is a very strange bedfellow, if you think about it for a moment.

The book I picked off the shelf was “Radionics: Science or Magic?” – a very good read, I might add. In addition to this, I’m also reading, for the first time, “Atom and Self” by D.S. Kothari, and also revisiting Vadim Zeland’s “Reality Transurfing”. I hope to integrate the viewpoints of these books into this one article as they each seem to comment one upon the other, or at least present a kind of parallel viewpoint.

David Tansley

Tansley introduced his theory, based on the two halves of the brain performing different functions – a revolutionary concept at the time – as Dimension I and Dimension II. It wasn’t until the 1960s that experiments of severing the corpus callosum, the portion of the brain responsible for the communication between the two hemispheres, were performed to control seizures, thereby revealing the true functions of the two hemispheres of the human brain.

Iain McGilchrist, a psychiatrist and author, summarises the function of the two halves of the brain thus:

“The two hemispheres have different styles – takes, if you will – on the world. They see things differently, they prioritise things differently, have different values. The left hemisphere’s goal is to enable us to manipulate things, whereas the goal of the right hemisphere is to relate to things and understand them as a whole, two ways of thinking that are both needed, but are fundamentally, at the same time, incompatible… We behave like people who have right hemisphere damage.” [Documentary, “The Divided Brain”]

The concluding comment here, that we behave as if we have right hemisphere damage, hints at the importance of understanding the function of the right hemisphere of our brain, at least better than we have done previously. Dimension I, according to Tansley, is a way of dealing with, or interpreting reality that is related to the left brain, and Dimension II is related to the right.

David Tansley stated concerning Dimension I:

“Here life is experienced in physical terms and governed by the known physical laws… The area of ‘ceaseless becoming and endless dying’ where reason and logic prevail… It is the realm of the finite bounded by restrictions and conditioned by beliefs.”

About Dimension II, he wrote:

“This is the Dimension of transcendent holistic reality, the area of consciousness in which the true processes of radionics function… A continuum containing all volumes, an un-objectifiable Dimension, ever present embracing all of the instants of the genesis of everything… There is NO LIMIT to what can be done in Dimension II. Time does not exist there, whereas magical events do… Dimension II is a databank of infinite information. In it you can immediately contact any knowledge you require for use in Dimension I. THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS.” [“Radionics: Science or Magic?” Emphasis in original.]

Tansley is talking about the “field” of consciousness, which cannot be measured, yet is the foundation for everything that can be conceptualised. Physicist E.P. Wigner said of this:

“The measurement is not completed until its result enters our consciousness. This last step is, at the present state of our knowledge, shrouded in mystery and no explanation has been given for it so far in terms of quantum mechanics, or in terms of any other theory.” [E.P. Wigner, “Two Kinds of Reality”, 1964.]

So it is that nobody understands truly what consciousness really is. We “know” consciousness, but cannot explain consciousness to anyone else.

Consciousness: the hard problem.

Tansley’s theory has a kind of reference to the “inner world” and the “outer world”, concepts through which we perceive reality, as discussed by Dr D.S. Kothari. The inner world is the world of thought and perception, the mind; the outer world is comprised of objective matter, the brain:

“To define ‘mind’, we have to employ the mind. Mind becomes both an object and a subject, and a precise definition therefore is inherently impossible… What is really important is the recognition that mind is an entity, a reality, apart from matter. If mind is separate from matter, then there could be, and even need to be, different paths, not totally exclusive, leading to them… Mind is not a thing in the sense in which we speak of mind.” [Dr D.S. Kothari, “Atom and Self”. Emphases in original.]

“The ‘atom’ and the ‘Self’ should be accepted as equally significant for human life… Cyril Hinshewood [physical chemist and Nobel Prize laureate] observes: ‘To deny the reality of the inner world is a flat negation of all that is immediate to existence: to minimise its significance is to depreciate the very purpose of living.’” [ibid.]

Dr Kothari goes on to say:

“Within science there is no place whatsoever for questions such as: to what purpose?, to what ends or goals?, why the starry sky is beautiful? These are moral questions. These are not questions within science. The exclusion of subjectivity, that is ‘I’, from natural science is total. This has come about gradually since the time of Galileo and Newton. Brain belongs to the external world, mind or consciousness belongs to the inner world…

“The conscious mind is deterministic. It is the unconscious mind which has free will, unpredictability… Conscious mind belongs to phenomena (determinism), unconscious mind to noumena (free will), in the language of Kant.” [ibid. Emphases in original.]

These, obviously, aren’t a direct correlation with the Dimensions I and II of David Tansley, but do inform how we comprehend and understand reality. In this case, the “external world” has a direct parallel to Tansley’s Dimension I in our understanding, and the “inner world” to Dimension II. The phenomenal and the noumenal have a similar relationship. Naturally, these are not to be taken literally but are related, in the spirit of this article.

Rupert Sheldrake put forward a theory of morphogenesis which might seem to explain what is happening. He writes:

“In order to account for the fact that physical systems influence each other at a distance without any apparent material connection between them, these hypothetical fields are endowed with the property of traversing empty space, or even actually constituting it.” [Rupert Sheldrake, “Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation”.]

But before we get excited by this discovery and proclaim that it perfectly explains radionics, Tansley refutes this viewpoint, saying that:

“Sooner or later it will be necessary to consider the idea that these fields do not function in time and space but out of it in Dimension II or at a transcendent level of consciousness… If we, as radionic practitioners, consciously utilise the factors that Dimension II makes available, and put the physical into its correct perspective, then we shall move towards the fountainhead which is pure volition. Volition is the power of the mind to originate motion and it is the role of the radionic practitioner to set the healing forces of the mind in motion through his work. If his procedures are based on a theory of the mind then they will not only become acceptable but more effective.” [David Tansley, “Radionics: Science or Magic?” Emphasis in original.]

Then he adds:

“It is a remarkable fact that what you can imagine or visualise and affirm in Dimension II can become a physical reality in Dimension I. ONLY OUR BELIEFS, IN THAT THEY MIGHT BE LIMITED, CAN RESTRICT THE OUTCOME OF WORK DONE IN DIMENSION II. Dimension II contains every probable outcome of an event, all are unconsciously tried out there, then according to our beliefs we bring about the outcome we want.” [ibid. Emphasis in original.]

In Volume 1 of his books on “Reality Transurfing”, Vadim Zeland addresses this concept. He created the concept of the “alternatives space”, or “space of variations” (according to which translation from Russian that you read). The alternatives space is a field of information in which everything is recorded, whether it has happened or not. Kind of like the “Akashic records” of the Theosophists, except extended to infinity. He writes:

“So where are the laws of the universe ‘written’? Formulae like laws are but an abstract product of the human mind created for convenience of expressing concepts. It is highly unlikely that the laws of nature are recorded anywhere.

“Could a graph be created that marked the position of all points of matter? Of course, one could theoretically mark the coordinates of the infinite number of all existing points in the universe but the capacity of the human memory is too limited to cope with such a massive volume of data. Nature on the other hand has no difficulty with eternity. Nature has no need of a formula to generalize the position and movements on a graph…

“Generally speaking, information concerning all possible points along the path of moving matter is stored in an information field which we refer to here as the alternatives space. The field contains information about everything that ever has been, is, and ever will be…

“It is an infinite field containing information on all possible scenarios of any event that could ever possibly take place. One could say that the alternatives space contains absolutely everything… The alternatives space serves as a template or coordinate grid for the movement of all matter in time and space…

“Reality has such diversity of form because the number of alternatives for its manifestation is limitless.” [“Reality Transurfing: The Space of Variations”. Emphasis in original.]

Transurfing goes on to describe HOW to make the choices to design the outcome that we want, without getting entangled in the desire for it. He describes how to escape the vampirish behaviour of what he calls “pendulums” (e.g. social structures, beliefs, etc. – “egregores” by another name), but all of this is beyond the scope of this article. Of course, David Tansley might perhaps say that there can be an improvement on Vadim Zeland’s point of view, but what I’ve shared here introduces us to another framework by which we may understand the process within radionics.

Reality Transurfing

David Tansley writes:

“There are no such things as coincidental events, the arrangements have already been made in Dimension II. Naturally the left-brain snorts, rubbish! It will not concede such a possibility and by virtue of this attitude people shut out and stifle a Dimensional aspect of their nature that could enrich them beyond their wildest dreams and provide the capacity to heal in ways that would seem miraculous in Dimension I. Understanding Dimension II shows us that we create our own reality, and we are responsible for our own lives and the path it takes. We are not victims of a hostile universe or karma, but only of our beliefs, and these we can change.

“I do not think that anyone who has the slightest knowledge of radionics would be so foolish to suggest that it is a Dimension I healing technique. Distant diagnosis and treatment are clearly Dimension II techniques. By accepting this and the relationship of Dimensions I and II to the functional capacities of the left and right-brain hemispheres, we have a basis upon which to set a theory and practice of radionics.” [“Radionics: Science or Magic?”]

Basically, Dimension II may be seen, or utilised, through the medium of thought. Radionics is a consciousness-based activity, not solely a mechanical or material process. Tansley continues:

“[Healing via radionics] comes from the fact that the patient has been ‘brought to mind’ into the realm of the right-brain Dimension II, a truly magical act which is far more realistic than suggesting that the blood spot [witness] is radiating an updated health bulletin at all times…

Relaxed attention is the connecting device that enables you to move into the right-brain mind whilst bringing the chattering input of the left-brain to an absolute minimum. You cannot connect with Dimension II when in a state of nervous agitation or stress and make a proper analysis…

“When you are focused strongly in Dimension II, physical reality fades and takes on an almost dream-like quality, and you might be tempted to think (left-brain mind of course) that it is unreal. Do not let such reasoning drag you back and break the resonance… When deeply in Dimension II and holding to a positive set of beliefs, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.” [ibid. Emphasis in original.]

I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief introduction to ways of viewing reality and how they may influence your practice of radionics. As always you are invited to join the conversation and leave your comments below.


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3 thoughts on “Two (or Three) Views of Reality and Their Influence on Radionics

  1. There’s lots of insight garnered in this article. Reading it reminds me of my friendship and work I did with Dr. David V. Tansley. He wrote Radionics Science or Magic in 1982. It was a nudge toward a paradigm shift, which blew it apart internationally at the time and, people have been trying to switch it back ever since. Once Prometheus took fire from the gods and gave it to humans, there was no going back. David Tansley was ahead of his time and we are, again, at a cross roads opportunity 40 years later to shift the energy concepts he is known for.

    Radionics is reciprocal in its actions, it reflects our ability to relate and remain, at will, in dimension II. “ When you are focused strongly in Dimension II, physical reality fades and takes on an almost dream-like quality, and you might be tempted to think (left-brain mind of course) that it is unreal. Do not let such reasoning drag you back and break the resonance… When deeply in Dimension II and holding to a positive set of beliefs, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE“

    Radionics is about alignment and we stand at the doorway where we can ask and follow, where we can converse with the energy as intelligence and resonate the state of awareness using a radionics device. The device is a vehicle, not the whole journey…

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