Following our earlier post on the development of our prototype Radionic Remedy Potentiser we received many expressions of interest from people wishing to purchase one. The problem was, it was still in the prototype stage and wasn’t quite ready for production.

Meanwhile, development wasn’t standing still. Research continued to the point where it was necessary for the Mk.2 version be created even before the Mk.1 (as it is now called) went into production. Thus a new Mk.2 prototype is now under construction.
The Mk.1 is still providing sterling service, and is undergoing various modifications, some of which are being incorporated into the Mk.2
The reason for this new development, rather than continuing with the earlier model, was the dream of a completely new feature, and the realisation of how to implement it. This new feature will be the ability for the instrument to create a balancing or harmonising vibrational remedy completely automatically, without necessarily knowing what the ailment is, based on a “witness” or sample from the dis-eased person, animal or plant.
Keep in mind that this treatment is experimental, and works at an energetic level rather than the physical. We are not claiming this instrument to be a medical device.
To those of you who have expressed interest, thanks for your patience meanwhile. We will keep you updated as things develop. We are excited by these new developments, and are confident that the JTL Remedy Potentiser Mk.2 will be worth waiting for!