In this article we shall take a look at sacred numerology, and what it might teach us about radionic rates. It’s a continuation of my exploration into the radionics instrument as a yantra. I’ve long been interested in this field, and the creation of rates that reflect cosmic principles rather than being manifested purely by […]
Yantra and Radionics, Instruments of Creation
I am convinced that everything is connected, unified, when you are on the spiritual path. Not on this objectified, materially focused plane, but on almost every other plane you can imagine, esoteric and spiritual. If you glance sideways, then everything is literally connected through telling diagrams and patterns. All things point the way forward and […]
Two (or Three) Views of Reality and Their Influence on Radionics
It’s good to revisit books. There may often be plenty of opportunities to exclaim, “That wasn’t in the book last time I read it!” – but, well, obviously it was, and the author would say that it was his (or her) intention to say it at the time, but we simply overlooked it because we […]
The Reciprocal Circles Board
It seems likely that radionics, as it is normally accepted, is really radionics with circuits. However it is probable that radionics, as such, is something else entirely. Many people, especially the French, have created radionics without any electronic components at all. And the French are experts at it. From this perspective it is obvious that […]
Consciousness and the Instrument-Mind Interface
Consciousness and the instrument-mind interface are subjects that are rarely discussed in a neutral way when it comes to radionics. It’s a subject that people will take sides on, to the extreme ends of one side or the other, and will not always meet. They will often argue the point that radionics is solely a […]