Consciousness Energy Healing Radionics

Elements of Radionics: The Instrument – An Interface

This article is further enquiry in my quest to understand the radionic phenomenon and create a theory of radionic function. Radionics is the use of an instrument, a physical device, with the intention of affecting or analysing a physical entity, person or situation. What happens between these two localities (the instrument and outcome) is what […]

Consciousness Energy Healing Radionics Remedies

Mantras and Radionics

What are mantras and are they compatible with radionics? In this article we will investigate mantras and their potential use in radionics, together with a radionics pioneer who used them successfully for remote healing treatments. One of the several ways that the word mantra or mantram can be translated is “instrument of thought,” and this […]

Consciousness Energy Healing Radionics

Isuret Polos Talks Radionics and Reality

I am grateful to be able to interview Isuret Polos, creator and developer of AetherOne, an open source digital radionics platform. Isuret kindly shares with us his deep insights, from radionics in general to the AetherOne project in particular, in both theory and practice. Among the many topics, one I am especially pleased that he discusses […]

Energy Healing Radionics

Elements of Radionics: Frequencies or Information Fields?

Some radionics practitioners, and even instrument manufacturers, believe that radionics uses frequencies, or at least requires carrier waves to function. I will discuss why I believe that radionic energy is not based on frequency and is essentially an informational system. Frequencies are defined by wavelength and cycles per second, thus are limited by time and space. Since distance is irrelevant […]

Energy Healing Radionics Remedies

Radionic Remedy Potentiser Part 2

Following our earlier post on the development of our prototype Radionic Remedy Potentiser we received many expressions of interest from people wishing to purchase one. The problem was, it was still in the prototype stage and wasn’t quite ready for production. Meanwhile, development wasn’t standing still. Research continued to the point where it was necessary […]

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