Mantras and Radionics: Part 2, Mantra Siddhi

mantra and radionics
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Mantras and Radionics: Part 2, Mantra Siddhi

In this article, part 2 on the topic of mantras and radionics, we look at Mantra Sadhana and Mantra Siddhi. My previous article was an overview of Dr Bhattacharyya’s success in using mantras for sending healing treatments radionically, based on his knowledge of Hindu and Buddhist Tantric texts. Since he had proven the use of mantras for radionic treatments, I decided that a deeper look at the more spiritual use of mantras in conjunction with radionics would be in order. The use of radionics for Mantra Siddhi is not so well proven, although it has been a subject of discussion in some groups and forums.

mantra and radionicsThe chanting of mantras or prayers is almost universal spiritual practice. Most major spiritual traditions use the repetition of prayer and magical or ritualised words to attain higher consciousness and connection with the Divine. They commonly use a mala or rosary which consist of a string of beads with which to count the chants and to remain mentally focused. In fact the English word bead derives from the Old English word bede, meaning “prayer.” And in an interesting correspondence, both rosary and mala mean “garland.”

There is a divergence in understanding the sacred use of words, however. “There exists something like a mantra substance, or to put it better: sound substance… In Western Christian context the power lies with the speaker and his intention. This is quite different in an Indian view. Here, the power lies in the word alone.” [“Sound and Communication: An Aesthetic Cultural History of Sanskrit Hinduism,” Annette Wilke, Oliver Moebus.]

This article focuses primarily on the practice of mantra, and is for information only. It is not a recommendation for Mantra Siddhi, but I intend this article to get you thinking about how radionics might be of benefit to any mantra sadhana (spiritual discipline).  The conclusions here may benefit the practice of mantras in general, prayers, and perhaps even affirmations.

A Cosmology

Radionics is an interface between mind and symbol and reality. Mantra could also be said to be the same, so here is a reason that we can explore the relationship and congruence between the two practices.

I tend to see everything as existing on a descending scale through levels of increasing order and “density,” starting from absolute (all-pervading indivisible) consciousness, through informational and pure thought fields, then conceptualisation and projection of forms and elements, down to what we perceive as material reality. Each level is dependent upon the level above. Everything appearing in each level is a representation or symbol of the reality in the level above it. Swami Lakshmanjoo observed: “Whenever you experience something, you experience it from one level lower.” Radionics and mantras can be imagined to be a kind of interface between lower and upper levels.

Numbers (rates) and words (mantra) function in the lower levels as tools of the mind, resonating with the reality of upper levels. Words and numbers are patterns that are resonant on the levels of material reality and thought. These patterns if correctly applied are attuned with fresh realities in the informational and pure potential levels, above our familiar numerically and verbally conceptualised levels. It is here that we could say that radionic rates and mantra sounds are the patterns used to align the manifest world with otherwise unrealised aspects of higher levels, through the unifying “field” of infinite consciousness that permeates all levels.

mantra and radionicsIn the Tantric tradition words are more than mere symbols; each sound is considered a creative power. Each Sanskrit letter is a microcosm that holds the macrocosm within it. Thus from this self-manifesting alphabet all knowledge is born; indeed from this alphabet the whole universe arises. This is the origin and binding power of all mantras. The texts say that this power is Shakti (dynamic creative energy), and Shakti is Shiva (motionless absolute consciousness). All things are forms of the creative energy (Shakti) which is not separate from the Absolute (Shiva).

Vasistha, one of the greatest sages of ancient India, explained the indivisible connection between the manifest world and absolute consciousness this way:

“All these mountains, the whole world, the firmament, the Self [essential consciousness], the individual soul and all the elements of which this world is constituted – all these are nothing but pure Consciousness. Before the so-called creation, when only this pure Consciousness existed, where were all these? Space (akasha), creation, consciousness – these are mere words and they indicate the same truth, even as synonyms do…

“Knowledge is inherent in consciousness, even as void is in space. However, consciousness believes knowledge to be its own object. The diverse objects [of the manifest world] are limited by time and space, which are themselves but the notional division in consciousness… Such division does not exist in consciousness which transcends time and space.” [“Yoga Vasistha,” translated by Swami Venkatesananda.]

A great master of Advaita Vedanta in the early 20th Century described how absolute reality has taken form through mind and speech:

“You exist unconditionally, effortlessly. Upon you arises Awareness. This is Moolamaya (Primordial illusion). Upon that Awareness, arose letters, words, thoughts, mind, intellect. Letters and words come together, thereby giving rise to speech. This is called Vidyadevi (Goddess of Knowledge), or Shiva.” [“Amrut Laya,” Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj.]

Metaphysically, speech “descends” from a higher order of reality (absolute consciousness) forming
coherence in our experience (the finite aspect of infinite reality that we perceive) that would otherwise be nonexistent potential. In the Bible, the Gospel of John says that the divine Word became flesh. Even our own words have divinely given power to create order and our reality. Jesus affirmed this cosmic principle when he said that “whatever is bound on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven.” In the Genesis creation stories, not only do the words of God speak order out of chaos, but God even listens to the words spoken by the Man as he himself brings order to the manifested world [Genesis 2:19]. It is even stated in Genesis that God, by speaking, creates Man in his own image, presumably with the ability to create with speech also [Genesis 1:26,27].

In contemplating the power inherent in a word, we can also find the wisdom in not trivialising our day-to-day communication. Thus the discipline of repetition of sacred sound, prayer or mantra takes on added significance and meaning.

What is Mantra Siddhi?

Before we look at how radionics may help in the practice of mantra, let us define the outcome of intensive mantra practice. The object of Mantra Siddhi practice is to become an instrument of the Divine being or consciousness. This arduous discipline of mantra repetition may even result in psychic phenomena. Although there is nothing in the Tantric texts that specifically define what Mantra Siddhi actually is, there are various definitions of siddhis, such as having a glowing body (which can be a natural outcome) to being able to even raise the dead, etc (a power under one’s control).  An example of the former is the 15th Century Bengali Bhakti saint, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, whose skin had a golden glow and who was constantly chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Yogi Grakhnath, a Tantric saint from c.11th Century, and possibly the founder of Hatha Yoga, is an example of the latter.

Sir John Woodroffe has said that the Absolute Consciousness (Parabrahman) is present in the person as Shabda Brahman (absolute sound). The sounds of a mantra by the relationship of the Sanskrit letters, address different forms of the divine being (devata). “By Mantra the sought for Devata [divine form] appears, and by Siddhi therein is had vision of the three worlds. As the Mantra is in fact Devata, by practice thereof this is known. Not merely do the rhythmical vibrations of its sound regulate the unsteady vibrations of the sheaths of the worshipper, but therefrom the image of the Devata appears.” [“Shakti and Shakta,” Sir John Woodroffe.]

radionics and mantraSiddhi is commonly used to mean “power,” however it actually means “perfection” or “attainment.” As such it does not even imply the acquisition of powers. Such perfection is equally likely to be the perfection of Samadhi (union with the Absolute).

Basically the first manifestation of Mantra Siddhi is when the mantra becomes chanted constantly, “revolving” within oneself non-volitionally. (This, incidentally, is similar to “praying without ceasing” practiced by Eastern Orthodox monks, who constantly chant the “Jesus Prayer” silently and automatically within the heart centre, a practice that is all but unknown in Western Christianity.) At this point of achievement there may be a blissful feeling experienced by both the one chanting and one who is listening. I have personally experienced the serene bliss in the presence of Serbian Orthodox monks, in the mountain monasteries of Serbia; they having spent a lifetime of chanting the Jesus Prayer.

Secondly is the attunement to, and embodiment of, the qualities of the mantra and the possible resultant attainment of yogic or psychic abilities. This could include the direct experience of the deity that is worshiped through the mantra who may offer continued guidance. The precise manifestation is conditional upon the mantra itself and the goal and character of the person.  For example, a certain mantra can be used for gaining powers, or another mantra can be used to take one across the ocean of samsara (illusory world appearance) into spiritual liberation. An example of the latter mantra might be the chanting of the names of Divine incarnations, such as Rama, Krishna, or Jesus.

Again, the effects as a result of intense chanting aren’t just a Hindu or Buddhist phenomenon. Some Eastern Orthodox monks, from a lifetime of prayer and chanting, have gained the power to heal and to read the future, for example. Such results come from constant contemplation on consciousness, transcendent qualities, supreme personifications, deities or God.

A Word of Caution

I will interpose a word of caution here: One of the teachings to be gained from mantra practice is to learn that you are not the doer – you are not the one doing it, you are the witness of it. Siddhi is the power of the source. So I would strongly advise anyone doing this practice to constantly let go of any egoic claim to any powers that might arise as a result of the mantra. The great sage Ramana Maharshi warned that: “In order to display siddhis, there must be others to recognise them… Therefore siddhis are not worth a thought.” Powers (siddhis) should be seen as a side effect of the practice, not the goal. I recommend that any powers that arise should be used for the good of all, not for self aggrandisement.

Furthermore, the Tantric texts warn that Mantra Siddhi is a hindrance to true spiritual advancement, the ultimate goal of which is oneness with the Absolute. The Yoga Vasistha, even while describing siddhis, or psychic powers, also takes a cautious view of them, “towards which the sage of self-knowledge is indifferent, which the deluded person considers desirable and which one who is intent on the cultivation of self-knowledge is keen to avoid.” Vasistha goes on to warn that “siddhis bestow everything on one whom they seek; after having destroyed his wisdom, they go away.”

It has to be said that realisation of the Truth (oneness with the Absolute) doesn’t bestow any powers. I once asked my guru about siddhis, and the reply was: “Spiritual enlightenment is the greatest siddhi.”

How Radionics May Help With Mantra Practice

As this article is basically an exploration into the way consciousness takes form, either as mind, sound or other manifestation, it is clear that I find a link between the practice of mantra and of radionics. Radionics is essentially a vehicle for creating a new manifestation. In Hindu tradition, AUM is a sound (and mantra) that pre-exists and is the source of all other manifestation. In Judeo-Christian tradition, the sound (word) of God’s voice is the origin of diverse manifestation. Thus radionics, word and mantra have congruence.

A word and its meaning (shabda and artha) are inseparable. Thus the manifestation of the word in the mind is inextricably linked to the manifestation of what it means or symbolises. This is similar to radionics where the instrument is tuned symbolically (as a resonant pattern) to a specific outcome. A radionics instrument uses rates or other symbol, and a mantra uses structured sound. Radionics is nothing without the intentional application of a thought-form to achieve an outcome. The mantra and its purpose, similarly, has its inward and outward correlation of mind, process and manifestation.

mantra and radionicsIt is said that to achieve Mantra Siddhi, the mantra needs to be chanted hundreds of thousands of times. One formula for the number of times the mantra must be chanted is the number of letters in the mantra multiplied by 100,000. Broadcasting the mantra to yourself radionically may perhaps manifest the effect of the mantra faster, and thus reduce the required time and repetitions, but doesn’t absolve you from the responsibility and work in your sadhana (practice) for achieving Mantra Siddhi.

Regardless of your intended use of mantras, prayers, invocations or affirmations, how might radionics be used to benefit or perhaps even accelerate the process? As was seen in my previous article on Bhattacharyya’s Teletherapy, the written mantra may be vibrated or set in motion energetically, using a witness of yourself exposed to the energised mantra. A photograph witness is recommended for this method, since the written mantra and the photograph and the subject (you) are linked by cosmic light, as Dr Bhattacharyya observed.

Another method that may benefit is to record the mantra chanted in your own voice, and play it as a loop through an appropriate radionic instrument with yourself as the target. Also include on the input of the instrument the mantra in your own handwriting, and tune the dials to the “resonance” of the mantra or use an appropriate card, depending on your instrument type. Malcolm Rae produced radionic (Magneto Geometry) cards for several mantras, and Yvon Combe listed the rates derived from those patterns (see below) in his rates book.

I have started experimenting with simply broadcasting the mantra rate to myself, which has showed immediate results. You may read my article here about my initial observations. I think that further research is warranted.

Mantra Rates

BASE 10 BASE 44 BASE 336
MANTRA 1: OM 4 7 10 15 30 44 3 6 9 9
MANTRA 2: MAHA-MRITYUNJAYA 2 5 7 07 20 28 7 1 1 9
MANTRA 3: GAYATRI 3 4 5 09 18 22 2 8 2 3
MANTRA 4: VASUDEVA 6 6 6 24 24 26 1 5 6 3
MANTRA 6: SIVA 6 7 9 27 31 38 9 6 7 4
MANTRA 6: SANJIVANI 2 8 9 07 35 38 9 1 4 5
MANTRA 7: SHAKTI 6 6 7 24 26 29 1 3 5 9
MANTRA 8: KRISHNA 2 5 5 09 22 22 7 3 5 6
MANTRA 9: BUDDHIST 9 10 10 36 40 43 5 1 3 9
MANTRA 10: BUDDHAM  SARANAM 1 4 5 04 18 20 3 5 7 6
MANTRA 11: GAURI 1 2 3 01 08 12 2 9 4 6
MANTRA 12: HANS 1 1 2 01 02 07 3 5 9 8
MANTRA 13: AGNI-PRAKAR 2 6 6 08 23 25 9 4 1 5
MANTRA 14: NARSINGH 4 5 5 17 19 20 6 9 1 7
MANTRA 15: DASAKSAR 1 1 3 01 03 11 1 5 5 2
MANTRA 16: CHATURAKSARI 5 6 7 21 25 28 8 2 8 9
MANTRA 17: TRAYASKSARI 9 9 10 36 40 44 6 9 6 3
MANTRA 18: GAGNESHA 2 2 5 06 09 20 8 8 1 6
MANTRA 19: RAMA 2 7 8 09 30 31 9 8 2 1
MANTRA 20: BRAHMA 5 10 22 44 9 9 9
MANTRA 21: SRI SARASWATAI 3 5 8 11 22 33 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 22: MAHALAKSMYAI 3 8 10 11 33 44 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 23: SRI GOVINDAYA 5 8 10 22 33 44 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 24: ADITTYAYA 1 6 7 03 25 27 5 5 1 2
MANTRA 25: UMA MAHESHWAR 3 5 8 11 21 34 3 6 2 2
MANTRA 26: VAGIS 7 7 8 30 31 32 6 7 8 3
MANTRA 27: KALA 9 9 9 37 37 39 2 6 8 7
MANTRA 28: KUBJIKA 6 6 6 25 25 26 5 7 1 4
MANTRA 29: TRIPURA 4 6 7 18 26 29 9 3 3 6
MANTRA 30: SRI GANESAYA 3 5 10 11 22 44 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 31: MAHA-GANAPATI 8 9 10 34 38 44 7 9 5 3
MANTRA 32: PRATINGIRA 1 5 9 02 18 38 6 2 2 1
MANTRA 33: CHAMUNDA DEVI 3 5 6 10 19 26 1 2 7 1
MANTRA 34: MAHA-SODASHI 5 7 10 21 28 44 3 9 9 3
MANTRA 35: MAHA-MRITUN  TANTRIC 6 7 7 26 28 31 7 9 7 5
MANTRA 36: BATUKAY 5 7 8 10 22 27 34 40 9 1 7 1 9
MANTRA 37: BAGLAMUKHI 1 4 8 8 05 17 31 35 9 2 2 4 8
MANTRA 38: MRITUNJAYE BAGVATI 6 9 9 10 27 37 39 42 9 1 6 3 1
MANTRA 39: LAKSMI 7 8 9 10 30 34 38 42 1 6 3 3 4
MANTRA 40: AMRIT 1 6 8 02 26 32 7 1 4 3
MANTRA 41: VIPRIT PRATINGIRA 6 8 9 10 24 34 39 43 9 6 1 3 1
MANTRA 42: PANCHDASHI 3 7 8 9 11 28 33 39 9 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 43: LAKULI SHIVA 2 3 4 7 06 11 17 28 9 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 44: MRITUNJAYE MAHAMUNI 2 5 9 06 22 39 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 45: UCCHIST PRATINGIRA 1 4 7 05 18 29 7 9 9 7
MANTRA 46: MAHAMUNI TRYAMBAK 4 7 8 17 28 33 9 9 9 9
MANTRA 47: MAHAMUNI 3 6 8 12 24 35 5 1 6 3
MANTRA 48: SHAILYA MAHAMUNI 7 9 10 31 39 44 3 9 9 3
MANTRA 49: NEEL SARASWATI SMALL 3 6 8 11 26 33 4 7 9 2
MANTRA 50: NEIL KANTH SHIVA 3 5 6 13 19 25 1 6 2 9
MANTRA 51: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 3 4 4 5 7 7 8 9 12 16 18 21 29 30 31 37 3 9 8 3 5 2 1 9 4
MANTRA: MEDICINE BUDDHA 7 5 3 5 7 30 21 15 22 32
MANTRA: GREEN TARA 4 4 4 2 18 18 18 10
MANTRA SOUND 1: A 6 1 24 2 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 2: AA 6 1 24 2 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 3:I 6 1 25 3 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 4: II 6 1 26 3 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 5: U 6 1 26 4 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 6: UU 6 1 27 5 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 7: RI 7 2 28 6 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 8: RRI 7 2 28 6 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 9: Ll 7 2 29 7 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 10: LLI 7 2 29 7 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 11: , 7 2 30 8 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 12: AI 7 2 30 8 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 13: O 8 3 31 9 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 14: AU 8 3 32 10 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 15: AM 6 1 24 2 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 16: AH 6 1 23 1 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 17: KA 9 4 40 18 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 18: KHA 9 4 39 17 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 19: GA 9 4 37 15 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 20: GHA 9 4 36 14 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 21: NA 8 3 35 13 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 22: CA 8 3 34 12 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 23: CHA 8 3 33 11 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 24: JA 8 3 31 9 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 25: JHA 7 2 30 8 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 26: NA 7 2 29 7 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 27: TA. 7 2 28 6 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 28: THA 6 1 26 4 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 29: DA 2 7 8 30 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 30: DHA 2 7 7 29 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 31: NA 2 7 6 28 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 32: TA 1 6 4 26 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 33: THA 1 6 3 25 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 34: DA 1 6 2 24 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 35: DHA 1 6 1 23 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 36: NA 10 5 44 22 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 37: PA 10 5 42 20 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 38: PHA 10 5 41 19 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 39: BA 4 9 15 37 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 40: BHA 4 9 14 36 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 41: MA 3 8 13 35 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 42: YA 3 8 12 34 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 43: RA 3 8 11 33 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 44: LA 3 8 9 31 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 45: VA 5 10 20 42 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 46: SA’ 5 10 19 41 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 47: SA. 4 9 18 40 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 48: SA 4 9 17 39 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 49: HA 10 5 44 22 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 50: KSA. 10 5 44 22 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 51: TRA 3 8 11 33 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 52: JNA 3 8 11 33 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 53: AM 6 1 24 2 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 54: AAM 6 1 24 2 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 55: IM 6 1 25 3 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 56: IIM 6 1 25 3 5 3 8
MANTRA SOUND 57: UM 6 1 26 4 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 58: UUM 6 1 26 4 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 59: RIM 7 2 27 5 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 60: RRIM 7 2 28 6 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 61: LIM 7 2 29 7 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 62: LLIM 7 2 29 7 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 63: M 7 2 30 8 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 64: AIM 7 2 30 8 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 65: OM 7 2 31 9 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 66: AUM 8 3 31 9 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 67: AMM 6 1 24 2 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 68: AHM 6 1 23 1 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 69: KAM 9 4 39 17 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 70: KHAM 9 4 38 16 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 71: GAM 9 4 37 15 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 72: GHAM 8 3 36 14 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 73: NAM 8 3 34 12 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 74: CAM 8 3 33 11 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 75: CHAM 8 3 32 10 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 76: JAM 7 2 31 9 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 77: JHAM 7 2 30 8 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 78: NAM 7 2 28 6 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 79: TAM. 7 2 27 5 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 80: THAM. 6 1 26 4 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 81: DAM. 2 7 8 30 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 82: DHAM. 2 7 6 28 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 83: NAM. 2 7 5 27 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 84: TAM 1 6 4 26 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 85: THAM 1 6 3 25 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 86: DAM 1 6 1 23 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 87: DHAM 10 5 44 22 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 88: NAM 10 5 21 43 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 89: PAM 10 5 42 20 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 90: PHAM 10 5 41 19 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 91: BAM 4 9 15 37 1 1 2
MANTRA SOUND 92: BHAM 3 8 14 36 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 93: MAM 3 8 12 34 8 6 7
MANTRA SOUND 94: YAM 3 8 11 33 7 7 5
MANTRA SOUND 95: RAM 3 8 10 32 6 6 3
MANTRA SOUND 96: LAM 2 7 9 31 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 97: VAM 5 10 20 42 5 5 1
MANTRA SOUND 98: SAM’ 5 10 19 41 4 4 8
MANTRA SOUND 99: SAM. 4 9 17 39 3 3 6
MANTRA SOUND 100: SAM 4 9 16 38 2 2 4
MANTRA SOUND 101: HAM 10 5 43 21 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 102: KSAM. 10 5 43 21 9 9 9
MANTRA SOUND 103: TRAM 3 8 10 32 8 8 7
MANTRA SOUND 104: JNAM 3 8 10 32 9 9 9

In Conclusion

As I observed above, radionics doesn’t absolve you from doing the work, since the attainment of Mantra Siddhi is as a result of the actual chanting of the mantra. But radionics may help with the attunement to the mantra by continually reinforcing your connection at the informational level. If you have comments or experience with mantras and radionics, I invite you to join the conversation by commenting below.


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23 thoughts on “Mantras and Radionics: Part 2, Mantra Siddhi

  1. Can you explain how a ‘base 44’ rate can have 44 in it please? Base 2 does not have a 2 in it, it consists of ones and zeros.

    1. Terms “Base 10” or “Base 44” are misnomers, much as “radionics” also is. Over time they have become conventions.

      1. So, what are these numbers then if they are misnomers. Can you give us more information please?

        Are they ‘ohms’ as Abrahms discovered? What is the difference in Base 10 and Base 44 numbers ? Who has the definitive info on this because if we are going to explain it to others of a more scientific mind, we cannot continue to call these Base 10 and Base 44. They will think of it as pseudoscience if we do.

        Dont get me wrong, I am not a skeptic because I know this stuff works, but we have to get our act together if we are to gain any credibility at all with the wider scientific community. So the first step is surely to define our terms and agree on the definitions.

        1. It is my understanding that the first dial is 1-10 ohms, the second is 10-100, the third is 100-1000 ohms, etc. I may be wrong, but I think that is how it works. I am not sure about the base 44 instruments. I use Hieronymous instruments.

          1. @Wolfdog7 Your understanding of the increasing resistances in a Base 10 instrument is essentially correct, at least as far as the Abrams and Ruth Drown instruments. They use rotary switches, each dial decreasing in value, from left to right. The instruments commonly built today simply use potentiometers of the same value (e.g. 10k ohms). The Base 10 dials of the early instruments built by George de la Warr in England had specially-made metal wipers (so to speak) that had no real change in resistance. I think he was working with vibrational resonance rather than resistance. His later instruments used potentiometers, probably for convenience.

        2. Considering the nature of how radionics works, I am not sure that scientifically minded people will accept it. They would have to be pretty open minded. It doesn’t behave in a logical linear minded fashion. Results might be a better way to convince people.

        3. Please read my article about rates
          I believe that rates are essentially “patterns”, and that ohms (and/or capacitance), numbers, angles of dial rotation, etc, serve to create those patterns.
          So-called Base 10 came about due to Abrams’ work with what were essentially decade resistor boxes, which Ruth Drown continued, and was the basis of the predominant style of radionics that developed in the UK. Base 44 was a further expansion of Base 10 (having 44 graduations on the dial rather than 10) by Malcolm Rae in England. His work determined that 44 graduations gave greater precision. An instrument may incorporate both Base 10 and 44 on the same dials, with the only difference determined in the mind of the operator. (On Rae’s devices there is a switch to select either Base 10 or 44, but it does nothing to the internal circuitry except to limit the time of a Base 44 treatment.)

          1. I sometimes wonder if when you scan a rate for something you are creating the rate for it rather than discovering the rate for it. I know that rates are somewhat mutable. They can become less or more effective over time, and they can have their definition or description altered somewhat. Part of the reason I think this is because of what you said. Resistance, capacitance, angle of rotation, Malcolm Rae cards, etc can all represent the same concept. I think of it as a focus for our mind. A rate is a focus and there is a protocol for scanning and using them. A contextualization or a frame of reference for our mind to interact with the unseen world/quantum effects.
            On a side note, could you explain base 10//base 44 a little more? Like, do you mean that the dial is just marked different for base 10 and base 44 while the capacitors are the same?

        4. Now that I think about it, the base 10 instrument probably starts with 10,000 or 100,000 ohms on the first dial and ends at 10 ohms on the last dial. That would make more sense.

          1. The resistance switches/dials are in descending order in the Abrams and Drown devices, highest to lowest resistance.

            Base 10 and 44 instruments are resistance-based. The same potentiometers are used for both Base 10 and Base 44, while the dial face plates are printed with both scales, 0-10 and 0-44.

  2. Could someone explain why the base 10 rate for om is 7 2 and the base 10 rate for Aum is 8 3 but the base 44 rate for both is 31 9? Shouldn’t there be two separate rates for base 44? Is this a typo?

    1. I just double-checked. If it is a typo, it is in the original rates book as compiled by Yvon Combe. I agree with your observation though.

  3. Ok Thanks for those thoughts and explanations. I feel that what we have established is that base 10 and base 44 are originally only the marks on the dials. I suspect the actual electronics behind the dials are unimportant and it is the number in the rate which is important. After all, some machines do not have any electronics inside them at all and yet they still ‘work’ so I do not think we should get hung-up on the insides. If what I suspect is true, then an intention is enough to effect a cure.

    Rates for the same substance found in different reference books should be the same, shouldn’t they? But it seems to me, often they are different. Why is this?

    It could be the samples or substances are different in some way and so have a different ‘vibrartion’ but in theory if we give the same (testube?) sample to two different people, we should get the same result(rate) by dowsing. If we do not, then the whole dowsing method comes into question.

    1. Our intention can do things, but with an instrument it is faster and easier and you can do more. You can also do analysis on an instrument and the instrument gives you some measure of protection from harmful influences.

      Two people will usually scan two different rates for the same thing. It depends on what/how their mind concieves the substance/sample or concept and how deep their understanding is. Also two different samples might not be exactly the same. If you look at two or more rates for the same thing, they will usually not all be as good as each other. One will be best and the others not as good. You can arrange them in order of how good they are, worst to best.
      I don’t think rates are objective reality. They are a way for us to interpret and work with a peice of reality.
      It is like the story of the elephant in the dark.

      1. Dowsing is incredibly effective and accurate in some hands, but I’m not so good at it. However what I find most effective is to dowse (cold scan) for a rate, which I tend to do more often these days than to use a rate from a book. The rate that I create is specific to the moment and situation, and frequently appears to produce better results for me than a book rate. We each, individually and collectively, create reality. There is no separation of mind from matter or matter from mind. Of course, despite the importance of my mind (intention) in the process, I’m not saying that the mind makes the instrument irrelevant, but the two work together as aspects of the one Reality. Those aspects may be unique to me and my focus, intention and condition, so it makes sense that the rate will be different for me – and even for a different instrument.

  4. I appreciate the effort you guys are taking to answer my questions. Thanks.

    Ever thought of having a forum for discussing these things? I cannot find one which is active enough to have much of a discussion on Radionics. I appreciate that forums take quite a bit of work, but rather than searching through the articles to find unanswered posts, it might be better to have them all in one place perhaps?

    When I go back and check my rates I get different values. This is frustrating, to say the least. No idea why it happens, but has been going on for some time. Do you guys get different values when you check your rates or do you just assume the first time through, they are correct?

    I always ask before I start whether I am in the correct state to access accurate information and I will not proceed unless I get a yes.

    1. If you are checking a rate, and then checking it again immediatly afterwards, it is common to get varying results, especially at first when learning. Just check it once and go from there. Don’t re check it. Go with the first value you get. I think this is because the reading of what you are checking is constsntly in flux and when you take a reading you are essentially taking a photograph of a moving object, so to speak. You have to trust yourself and your reading.

      I have seen forums about radionics. They seem to have a lot of people viewing the comments but not commenting themselves. A handfull of people might comment on things but they get tired of no interaction and slowly leave. Not sure why this is. If anyone knows of a radionics forum where people actually participate I would like to know too

      1. There was a good radionics forum on the berkanapath website but it seems to be closed due to technical difficulties. There continues to be an active radionics community at if you haven’t found it already.

  5. I have been doing radionics on and off for years and I have always got different results directly afterwards when re-checking the first values. Maybe we are conditioned in school to check our answers. OK then I will try to accept the first value in the future. It all stems from not understanding how it works I guess.

    I used to work for a guy making software for the radionics machines he made. I joined a course he ran at weekends over a three year period. Very interesting and useful.

    I have a health analysis form which he gave us which I would like to expand, so if you guys have anything similar then maybe we could share with each other. I guess not many people do analyses nowadays because of time available. It takes ages to work through yet it is very comprehensive and gives a fuller picture of what is going on for the patient.

    If you want to get in contact with me, you can by clicking the Contact Us tab at the top right of this page

    1. I have health analysis sheets. They are for two dial rate (Hieronymous) instruments. I don’t know what rate system(s) you use.
      I believe that analysis is at least as valuable as the broadcasting ability of radionics. I do analysis all the time. I do a lot more agriculture and research than health stuff personally. Analysis is underrated in my opinion.

  6. My health analysis sheets do not have any rates or dial settings on them because they focus purely on health issues.

    Obviously, Radionics and dowsing can be used for determining many different health conditions so analysis forms can help with reminders of possible avenues of investigation.

  7. This is the first place where actual radionics is discussed in detail, I was clueless about Base 10 and 44 instruments. I have been trying to understand how this radionics thing work and learn more about it, I was searching for the scientific/Logical explanation on how radionics work. Hard to believe but I think it’s working for me. Thanks GN, Wolfdog7 and Paul, I’m able to understand a little about how the device works.

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